Fast-Drying, Fire Retardant. Apply Over Movable Part. Tampering with Part can be Detected by Break in Sealant.3M Scotch-Weld Tamper Proof Sealant EC-1252 is the ideal solution to protect settings and calibrations of hydraulic, pneumatic, and electronic equipment against tampering. The solution is easy-to-apply and seals components between stages of assembly and parts that are restricted to adjustment, alteration, or access by qualified personnel. 3M Scotch-Weld Tamper Proof Sealant EC-1252 is available in yellow, blue, pink and white, making it easily distinguishable from the parts around it. Exposed surfaces of 3M Scotch-Weld Tamper Proof Sealant EC-1252 will accept ink from an inspectors approval stamp within 20 seconds of application. This tamper proof sealant can withstand operational temperatures of up to 200F (93C). It dries to tack-free in 20 seconds and is suitable for stamping with ink and fully dry in 24 hours. this sealant works well on most surfaces common in the aerospace industry such as aluminum, steel and most plastics. 3M Scotch-Weld Tamper Proof Sealant EC-1252 resists oil, gasoline, water, and jet fuel , and it will not corrode metal and remain where you need it for the long haul. this sealant meets the need for an effective and long lasting tamper-evidence product for the aerospace industry as a readily visible means of alerting workers and inspectors that settings and calibrations of equipment may be out of spec due to vibration, sabotage or unauthorized tampering.
Industrial Subtype:
Floor Finishes and Sealers
Container Size (Imperial):
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alteration or vibration loosening.
Commonly used by aircraft industry to indicate sabotage
Exposed surfaces of Scotch-Weld 1252 will accept ink from an inspector's approval stamp within 20 seconds of application.
Surface accepts stamp-ink and is tack-free within 20 seconds of application
Will not support fungus growth.