Industrial Subcategory:
Punches, Chisels, and Hand Drills
Armstrong to GearWrench Cross References:
Intended Use:
Used to shift parts so corresponding holes align
Long Description:
3/8" Drive Flex Handle/Breaker Bar 12"
1/8 in x 8 in 5/32 in x 8-1/2 in 3/16 in x 9 in 1/4 in x 11 in
SK Cross Reference:
6044|Set Punch LineUp 4Pc|Yes;
Table Description:
4 Pc. Long Taper Punch Set
Wright Cross Reference:
9664|4 Pc. Line Up Punch Kit - Mayhew #125K|Yes;
Manufactured By:
Other Details
Ground surface finish for improved ease of identification
Precision hardened working ends ideal for punching metal
Softened and tapered striking end reduces the potential to chip
Used to install or remove pins and shafts, or to align holes