40L back pack

40L back pack by Jackfield

  • Part Number: 1541-W
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Product Overview
100% waterproof. Made of laminated polyester. Adjustable shoulder straps and waist strap. Heavy duty handle. Pockets at the front and on the sides. Inside pocket. Pocket under the bag with a fuorescent orange piece of fabric inside that can be attached to the upper part of the bag for a better visibility.
Industrial Category:
Sports & Outdoor Equipment
Industrial Subcategory:
Camping Equipment
Industrial Subtype:
Duffle Bags and Backpacks
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Other Details
100% waterproof
Adjustable shoulder straps and waist strap
Heavy duty handle
Inside pocket
Made of laminated polyester
Pockets at the front and on the sides
 Pocket under the bag with a fuorescent orange piece of fabric inside that can be attached to the upper part of the bag for a better visibility
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