The Paint-Riter+ Certified is a highly-visible liquid paint marker pre-certified to contain low levels of chlorides, halogens, low melting point metals and sulfur. Each manufactured batch is individually analyzed and certified to meet U.S.A. and International nuclear and military specifications, and is safe for use on stainless steel and other alloy metals where corrosion resistance is a requirement.
Applications - Industries:
Nuclear-power generation, Other power generation facilities, Oil and gas, Military, Welding, Aviation and aerospace
Applications - Surfaces:
Stainless Steel, Alloy and superalloy metals, Alloy metals
Applications - Surfaces 01:
Stainless Steel, Alloy and superalloy metals, Alloy metals
Approved for Export (Vendor Restrictions):
Food and Drug Administration Certificate (FDA):
Harmonization & Tariff Code:
Harmonization/ Commodity/Tariff Code/Product Class:
Harmonization/ Tariff Code:
liquid, paint marker, industrial use
Language - Packaging Labeling:
Marking Range Celsius (Max):
Marking Range Celsius (Min):
Marking Range Fahrenheit (Max):
Marking Range Fahrenheit (Min):
Subject to Enviromental Handling Charge:
Other Details
Certified to meet the following U.S.A. and international specifications: - EDF PMUC, - MIL - STD-2041D, - U.S. DOE RDT F-7-3T (expired), - U.S. Navy C3073
Engineered to meet:
- < 200 ppm total halogens
- < 250 ppm each low melting point metal
- < 300 ppm total low melting point metal
- < 200 ppm sulfur
Fast drying formula leaves wear-, weather- and UV-resistant marks
Ideal for use on stainless steel or superalloys in industries that require prevention against corrosion, pitting, or degradation
Individual lot analysis and certification available at for quick, accurate reference
Xylene-free paint reduces user health risks for a safer marking tool