Applications - Industries:
Machining shops, Stamping works, Plasma cutting, Metal fabrication, Ship building and repair, Oil and gas, High-humidity climates, Aviation and aerospace
Applications - Surfaces:
Steel and iron, Aluminum, Pipes and tubes, Plastic, Glass, Rubber, Ceramic
Applications - Surfaces 01:
Steel and iron, Aluminum, Pipes and tubes, Plastic, Glass, Rubber, Ceramic
Approved for Export (Vendor Restrictions):
Dangerous Goods - Ocean (Default Yes):
Food and Drug Administration Certificate (FDA):
Food and Drug Administration Certificate (FDA) (de:
Harmonization & Tariff Code:
Harmonization/ Commodity/Tariff Code/Product Class:
Harmonization/ Tariff Code:
Harmonization//Tarif Code:
liquid, paint marker, adheres to wet surfaces
Language - Packaging Labeling:
Language - Packaging Labeling (default no):
Marketing Description (Short Form):
Liquid paint marker for wet surface marking
Marking Range Celsius (Max):
Marking Range Celsius (Min):
Marking Range Fahrenheit (Max):
Marking Range Fahrenheit (Min):
Prop 65 Chemical Name(s):
Subject to Enviromental Handling Charge:
TSCA 12(b) - Exports (default No):
Other Details
Low in V.O.C. s and will not contribute to ground-level ozone
Marking range: -50°F to 150°F (-46°C to 66°C)
Metal barrel and fiber tip provide durability for longer marking life
Specially formulated paint resists running or spreading on wet or damp surfaces to leave permanent, highly-visible marks
Xylene-free paint reduces user health risks for a safer marking tool