Applications - Industries:
Automotive assembly, Glass industry, Ship building and repair, Automotive aftermarket, Tire repair and retreading, Shipping supply, Textile industry
Applications - Surfaces:
Plastic, Glass, Painted metals, Polished aluminum, Cloth and fabric (textiles) , Rubber and tires, Pipes and tubes, Other non-porous metals
Applications - Surfaces 01:
Plastic, Glass, Painted metals, Polished aluminum, Cloth and fabric (textiles) , Rubber and tires, Pipes and tubes, Other non-porous metals
Approved for Export (Vendor Restrictions):
Food and Drug Administration Certificate (FDA):
Harmonization & Tariff Code:
Harmonization/ Commodity/Tariff Code/Product Class:
Harmonization/ Tariff Code:
removable, paintstik, marks, temporary, marker
Language - Packaging Labeling:
Marking Range Fahrenheit (Max):
Marking Range Fahrenheit (Min):
Subject to Enviromental Handling Charge:
Other Details
Easy-to-hold, recyclable paperboard holder protects Paintstik for maximum use
Ideal for temporary marking on non-porous surfaces
Marking range: -50°F to 150°F (-46°C to 66°C)
Smaller diameter for finer line marking
Water soluble for easy removal before production or finishing